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Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. It is a genetic disease manifesting in the form of specific formations on the patient's body: perceptible papules or pink-red plaques with peeling and scaling surface. The disease is usually accompanied by severe itching and pain, causing both physical and moral suffering. Psoriasis rashes can appear on any body part, often localizing on the patient's scalp, elbows and hands.

Specific features of the psoriasis treatment in Naftalan.

Naphthalan augments three systems at once - nervous, endocrine and immune systems. And since psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, naphthalan has an effect on its ultimate cause, reducing inflammation, painful skin itching and allergies. Due to naphthalan, the body stores its own anti-inflammatory hormones. Naphthalan is an immunomodulator. No medication can restore naturally the functioning of the adrenal glands. Naphthalan normalizes the work of the hypophysis and hypothalamus, and restores the entire endocrine system.